Sunday, 11 November 2012

Greed in football

The title is a phrase which you hear thrown about a lot, I certainly agree with it. But are Arsenal fans the only ones that are suffering? Because certain factions amongst our support believe us to be the only ones who are being taken advantage of,  the other day I spoke to a Man City via twitter who was moaning about away tickets prices,  I then explained Arsenal fans have suffered this for years,  sadly that's the price of being a successful club but is it?

Arsenal played Fulham Saturday cheapest tickets was £35 still pretty expensive right?  If you compare the price to Leyton Orient who play Division 1 football 2 leagues below us,  how much was their cheapest ticket £25!! Wow that's a tenner cheaper than our game vs Fulham. Greed is amongst all clubs not just our own club, we need to look at the bigger picture here. Until football fans as a whole stand up to the people who rob us because our love dictates that we have to see a game and at any cost, we will continue being ripped off.

In Germany fans of teams boycotted the game for 2 week's to make a stand against the greed in their game. I have been to Germany and few times now, their tickets prices are ridiculously low they get free travel with a match day ticket, the German game has benefitted the fans have benefited from it.  I am not asking you to boycott games but I am asking you to make a stand,  myself I never buy a programme or food in the ground. Now imagine if say 45,000 of the fans at the Grove boycotted Programmes and food it would hit our greedy chairmen in the pocket.

Football is a sport first then a spectator sport second I'm not an idiot I believe we need TV coverage and sponsorship and businessmen involved in the game. But you take away the people who truly love the game the supporters,  the game would be nothing. It's time the fans where treated with respect and the importance we all deserve. It's time to make a stand but in the right way

Tony Briggs
Follow me on twitter @AFChymnSheet

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