So what the hell happened?? Arsenal happened once again we slaughter a team with possesion but we fail to score in open play. Who can we pin the blame of draw on to? Eboue? Wenger? Marriner?
No none of them the whole of our attack needs to be sat down and shown how to shoot. Of our 4 best chances in the game only one was from Robin van Persie. The others where Eboue, Diaby and Kozzer. Nasri is exausted who can remember the last game he dominated? van Persie doesn't seem to remember how to turn on a ball.
I am not a fan of Diaby as some of you will know but I thought he was the only player looking to play a forward pass or make a run. Talking of running Whats up with Theo he seems to run at psce but in sight of a defender he eases up!! Theo take it from a defender we hate pace you slowing down enliminates that fear.
We play them lot down the road next and hopefully the Geordies can do us a favour against Man Ure. However I do feel its Man Ures title now sadly. But we have to keep trying to win I believe they could win the title at the grove we cant and must't let that happen
Anyway looking forward to next season in our 3 new kits!! I will be boycotting all 3 Arsenal snd Nike are taking the piss out of us thats 6 kits in 3 years sorry but no more from me and encourage other Gooners to follow suit. The Blue kit is a disgrace to the club thankfully I aint seen the white one as of yet. Arsenal are showing a lack of respect to loyal fans.
If you are going to shithole on Wednesday be careful but let them know 61 never again

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